Pre-Bout Ritual

Following the dohyo-ri, the sumo wrestlers return to the locker room where they take off their kasha-mawashi and put on their regular mawashi. They wait for their bouts in the locker room and two matches before their bout they take a seat at ringside. Upper level wrestlers get to sit on their own futon which a tsukebito brings out for him. When it is time for their bout, one of the ring attendants calls out the names of the two wrestlers in a high-pitches sing-song voice. After the ring attendant leaves the ring, the two wresters step up to the dohyo, bow to each other and go to their corner.

While the gyoji again announces their names in a very stylized voice, the wrestlers their clap hands and do two leg stomps, first with the right and then the left. This is meant to drive out evil spirits.

Because the matches are believed to be thought in the presence of the gods, each time the wrestler enters the circular fighting area of the ring, he throws a handful of salt. According to Shinto beliefs, salt has a cleansing power and drives out evil spirits.

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